

We use a special formula for our neoprene which provides UV stability, flexibility to allow movement, firmness for support and prevent implosion.  We have now incorporated an environmentally friendly aspect to our neoprene, this sport is such a green sport we would like to try and support the environment we all rely on by being as green as we can.


Our choices of fabric are dictated by the type of paddler, for the frequent paddler we use an abrasion resistant fabric so there will be little pilling and wearing on the constant rub points.  This means our decks will last a number of seasons and still look good.  We have double woven fabric on our 5mm decks and some of our 3mm decks.  For the casual paddler we use a light nylon fabric this gives the deck extra stretch for ease of use.


The kevlar gives the deck a longer life, it helps the deck hold its shape and provides extra stability preventing implosions when you go for the big one (or it goes for you!).  You do not need an implosion bar, the kevlar and 5mm neoprene gives you the security you need, run the rapid, if you have the skills, your deck will stand by you.  The kevlar is all important if you are rescuing other kayakers and pulling boats up over your coaming.


The Latest Goss

Surf kayaking?

We have developed a special deck just for surf kayaking.  A 3mm mid kevlar style deck has the flexibility required to withst

Cumec Magazine Test &...

Cumec Magazine recently took some Electric Water through their paces.  Click here to find out what they think.

Announcing the new Decks

After much reasearch and testing we are now ready to release a new fabric onto the market.  The new fabric goes around the e

Neoprene & Kevlar Prices...

With increased prices on all our materials the time has come to put up our prices. New stock of neoprene has arrived so we wi

Monsoon Madness 2012...

Click here or go to our facbook page to see the offical video of Monsoon Madness 2012: The Australian National Whitewater Boa

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